
Environmentally friendly cleaning machines from NCM

You can choose from a range of environmentally friendly cleaning machines from NCM. We have LPG powered machines and equipment that qualifies for the Enhanced Capital Allowance Water Scheme. Businesses are encouraged to invest in technologies that save water. The scheme developed by HM Revenue and customs in partnership AEA technology and DEFRA allows 100% of the cost of qualifying cleaning equipment (on the Water Technology List) to claim for tax relief against a business’s profits for the year in which the purchase is made, unlike Capital Allowances which allow 25% a year on a reducing basis over about nine years. The ECA brings forward the time that tax relief is available for capital spending, providing a cash-flow boost. More details can be found at gov.co.uk.

Please call 0845 0945145 for more details on our environmentally friendly scrubber driers and sweepers.

Looking to hire, rent or buy Scrubber Driers and Sweepers?

Call us on our local rate number 0845 0945145 or 01327 706821 and we will be pleased to assist you.

Or email us on: info@nationwidecleaningmachines.co.uk